
Originally posted on: August 24, 2020, 6:24 PM UTC
Name: Magic Healing Dust

Gender: Male

Specie: Abada (Unicorn)

Class: Medic

Weapons: Bone saw,

(New!)Attack tactics: He’s speed and don’t like attaks from distance, so he runs at enemy and jump of it.

(New!)Healing tactics: If AbaDic is not fighting with anyone he runs after his teammates

(New!)Personality: He’s trickster and likes doing pranks, but even that he always want to help others

(New!)Choosen relationships:

HippoMedic: AbaDic meet HippoMedic two years ago, when he thinked about joining RED’s. Now he is his best friend.

Fake Unicorn Medic: He meet her after joining RED’s, she still not tell him why she covers her eyes.

MediKirin: He heard about him, but never seen.

(New!)Accent he speaks: Spain

*more infos soon.


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