
Flurry Heart
"If you can't handle the cold, probably best not to get too close to me."
Parents: Cadence and Shining Armor
Siblings: Adonis, Venus, Pure Heart, Rome Rose and Valentine
Gender: Female
Species: Alicorn
Alignment: Harmony (visually), Ice (magic source)
Talent: Ice Magic
Birthplace: Crystal Empire

General Bio:

The oldest child of Cadence and Shining Armor. Flurry Heart is a princess of the Crystal Empire, as well as the deity of winter. Because of her association with ice and ice magic, there is always a slightly chilly aura around her. Her fur is slightly cool to the touch, and she is more sensitive to heat than most, even more sensitive than you would expect considering how thick her fur and feathers are.
While she currently shows traits of the Harmony Alignment, however, considering her magic comes from a different source, it is likely to change at some point in the future.

Future Spouse/Partner: Sea Foam, then later in life, Major


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