Born to Silly


((Pony-con Australia Commissions prt 1- I went to my first con last weekend, it was awesome, and I met many awesome people such as

A strange Blue pony that followed me around (Ask-Spades)-

Another strange pony that kept trying to fix things (Ask Jade Shine)-

A very… Brave pony, with a nice scarf (Ask Braveshy)-

And a pony that kept asking me about Boxing gloves-

So, basically what happened in shout is that Australia’s first ponycon was help in Sydney, and being a Sydney-sider myself, I volunteered for it, I helped out and ended up getting as tired as heak, met some awesome ponies and brought some Commissions (150$ worth, my wallet is not happy, but I like supporting local artists) and had an all around jolly good time

I know i missed some people that I met, such as sugar-Rush and Snapshot, but I don’t want to make this post TOO long. C'ause there will be another one like this coming out soon))


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