
YEAAHHH I wanted to post this while ago! but as always…i forgot to do it xD

This was the first design i did for my adorable Mary! she's one of the characters i loved when i talk about design and personality!

She's similar to Glow! and even i thought that maybe they could be cousins!

Let me tell u a bit of this beautiful mare! she's 24 years old! and she's a vet, but also she studied a but of general medicine, in the department of medicine in Equestria. Her parents didn't wanted her to be a vet, and well, they kicked her out of the house.

Still, Mary never gave up! and she keep studying until she graduate.

She lives on the Everfree Forest and sometimes she goes to Canterlot or Ponyville.

Mary has a very friendly personality, also, she is very calm, and she will always have a smile on her face. She likes to help others.

She is very beautiful, her looks are very strange for other ponies! she has a curved horn, and this is something that only royalty can have, but like always, there's exceptions. Other feature is her mark on one of her legs, this is from her grandfather, he had the same mark, but he had it on his face.

She's someone that will allways think that everypony has a second chance in life. She symphathizes with other, and animals aswell.

She loves places with a lot of vegetation.

She in the future has a daughther with Lord Tirek.


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