Residence: Swift Lives at Sweet Apple Acers with her parents and siblings
Friends: Swifts best friends happens to be her sister.
A bit about Swift. I gave swift some of the old Texas's traits. She's blunt , cocky and can get really hotheaded.
Relationships: Swift has always been really competitive with Texas. They were always competing to be the best. Cyclones relation ship with rainbow dash was probably the worst. Rainbow dash would always want Her to be the best she could be but Swift Could never seem to meet them so she eventually stopped trying to impress her mom.
Swift was always a competitive pony. She would always want to be better than every pony and show them, how fast she truly was. As she got older however, ponies thought of her poorly because of competitive sport. Her brother of all ponies thought of this as poor. Any chance Swift could really get , she could try to make things a challenge. This inevitable forced a rift between the two. Yes Texas could be cocky and hot heated but compared to his sister , she never seems to stop.
As Swift gets older she slowly learns how to be a bit more empathetic. Her relationship with Texas never really got better but they began nicer to each other over time.
More parts of this will be updated as the main story goes on.