17th Jun 2021, 6:00 AM in Magical Mystery Cure
The biggest difference in the way reveals work at a gaming table, as opposed to other storytelling media, is that information travels instantly. As soon as you drop a reveal, there's effectively no delay between that moment and everyone knowing about it and trying to solve it. This leads to tabletop mysteries being structured around bombshell drops.
DM: Unless there's any other business… Let's say the night passes and the morning sun rises over this alternate Ponyville.
Applejack: Hoo boy. Time to find out what kind of mess we got ourselves into.
DM: Indeed! Let's start with Rarity. You wake up at your usual time, go through your morning routine–
Rarity: Getting my mane coiffed /just/ right, of course.
DM: Of course. And then, with nothing immediately pressing to investigate, you begin your daily duties.
Rarity: You mean prepare Carousel Boutique for opening? I suppose I might as well…
DM: No, not that. Managing the weather!
Rarity: … What.
Rainbow Dash: *What.*