
Base: ElementBases
Twilight Sparkle: Hasbro
Note: I used their "Pony Life" and "Canon" designs to create one I was happy with, these are in no way original and I don't claim these two as my own they belong to Hasbro.

Twilight Sparkle, second born of Twilight Velvet and Night Light. She always looked up to Princess Celestia. Twilight wanted to impress the princess, to be able to enrol in her school for gifted Unicorns because of this Twilight poured herself into studying magic and practising her magic. She wanted so badly to get into the school for gifted Unicorns. Her chance came and she faced the entrance exam, performing a spell to hatch an egg, not a simple task. Twilight lit her horn and closed her eyes, concentrating. Something happened outside that in years to come she would find out was a Rainboom caused by a pegasus filly. Something sparked in that moment her magical ability increased and Twilight was casting spells she hadn't even studied. She did hatch the egg and Celestia herself announced to the filly that she had been accepted to the school.

For a while Twilight was in regular classes with every other filly and colt but as she studied more and more and focused on improving her abilities more and more, she stopped socialising with her friends. She started having one on one lessons with Celestia as her ability and knowledge surpassed her regular classmates.

As Twilight entered her adulthood she was almost finished with her studies. She was reading when she read something about the mare in the moon. Twilight tried to warn Celestia, Nightmare Moon was going to be released from her prison and would attack Equestria and instead of taking her seriously she sent the Unicorn to Ponyville to check on Summer Sun celebration preparations with specific instructions "make some friends." Twilight scoffed at the idea, friends weren't as important as all that, Nightmare Moon was what was important!

Of course, as all of Equestria knows now, friendship and the magic that comes from it can be important. Twilight's friendships saved Equestria multiple times. Celestia and Luna were helping Twilight get used to ruling, while she wasn't the bringer of day or night she was the Princess of Friendship and that meant she had to lead by example, she had to show what could be done if you allowed friendship into your life.

Starlight Glimmer tried to test the group's friendship, first by removing the groups cutie-marks, then by using a time travel spell created by Starswirl the bearded, in each alternate timeline they visited Twilight and her friends had never met and Equestria fell to the villains they had faced, Sombra, Nightmare Moon, Discord, Tirek or the changelings. Twilight was able to make the other mare see reason. But that didn't mean that it hadn't affected her. Rainbow Dash confronted Twilight believing that Starlight had cast some sort of spell on Twilight. Eventually, Twilight cracked and admit that after seeing all those futures where she and her friends hadn't met she was terrified of what might happen should they fail. Rainbow comforted her friend and they ended up getting drunk together. It was because of their drunken and emotional one-night stand that Twilight found herself pregnant. Dash loved Twi but not in the way, she refused to leave her friend on her own and moved into the castle for a while. When their child was born they stayed together in the castle, even though by this point Rainbow was dating Fluttershy. Cosmic Sparkle loved both her mothers, but when Dash started spending more and more time with Fluttershy and Twilight started spending more and more time with Luna she took it as Luna driving a wedge between her parents. Luna loved the little filly and assured her that she would never come between Twi and Dash, Luna told the filly that Dash and Fluttershy were expecting a foal and because of that, Dash was staying with Fluttershy a lot more. After seeing Dash too confirm the story Cosmic apologized to Luna for accusing her of breaking up her family.

Luna appreciated the apology, she told the filly that while Twi and Dash were friends they didn't love each other the way Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash did.

It was one night while Twilight was catching up with paperwork that Luna came to the younger alicorns room. Twilight looked up from her work, her horn glowing as she held her pen still "Princess Luna?" The princess cleared her throat suddenly looking bashful "I-I… yes… Sorry I should have knocked, I needed to talk to you." Twilight placed her pen down and got up from her seat "What is it?" the moon princess's feathers ruffled as she glanced away "We're friends are we not?" Twilight nodded her head as she replied "Of course we are! What made you ask?" the Princess of the Night took in a deep breath before letting it out slowly "I… You've been kind to me Twilight. Kinder than a lot of other ponies, they see me and they see Nightmare Moon… I enjoy the times when we have been able to hang out and spend time with one and other." Twilight noticed herself blushing "It is… It is always nice to see you, Luna. You're always able to make me laugh." Twilight cleared her throat closing the distance between herself and the Princess of the Night "Actually, I've been meaning to ask you something." Luna raised an eyebrow "What is it?" Twilight cleared her throat "We're close and while I appreciate our friendship I was starting to think that there was maybe something more to it?" Luna was shocked, Twilight had the same thought process as she did?

The couple were something of a scandal in Canterlot. Princess Luna was still regarded as Villian, she had retained her bat-like wings, fangs and slitted eyes making her look imposing to the ponies of Equestria who only knew Nightmare Moon as a villian. Princess Twilight Sparkle was a hero! The unicorn that had defeated Nightmare Moon, Discord and Chrysalis before becoming an alicorn. Why would she associate with Nightmare Moon let alone start a courtship! Twilights friends supported her decision knowing how close the two Princesses had been.

The couple didn't care what anyone thought they were happy. They dated for 3 years before Luna proposed to Twilight and they were wed. During the honeymoon, they decided they wanted to try for a foal. Twilight carried the foal a colt they called Spell Nexus. They couldn't have been happier to start their family. Spell Nexus was a talented little Unicorn with a knack for magic which of course made both mares proud.

When they decided to have another foal Luna choose to carry this time. When the fillies were born both Luna and Twilight were surprised, both fillies were naturally born Alicorns. Luna suspected it was because she and Celestia were naturally born alicorns. They struggled at first especially with the two fillies' naturally powerful magic and random magic spurts like all unicorn foals had. They managed to find a way to control the magical outbursts.

Twilight gets to see all of her foals age to adulthood, being an alicorn gave her a slightly longer life, but she does pass away due to old age.


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