
Note: I used their "Pony Life" and "Canon" designs to create one I was happy with, these are in no way original and I don't claim these two as my own they belong to Hasbro.

Apple Jack: Secondborn of Bright Mac and Buttercup (after her father abandoned her she legally changed her name from Pear Butter to buttercup). Apple Jack remembers her mother and father and likes to keep the memories close to her heart. She's hard-working and loves to help everypony if she's able too although she had learned her lesson about biting off more than she can chew. Because of her work on the farm, it was a long time before she considered a family of her own. But Big Mac and Sugar Belle had a foal, Apple Bloom and Diamond Tiara were expecting and she had always wanted a foal. It was around this time when she received a letter from good friend Trouble Shoes, his circus group were coming to Ponyville and he'd given AJ and the CMC front row tickets.

After the show, Apple Jack talked to Trouble Shoes about her current thoughts, while he made no promises that anything would come from it Trouble Shoes agreed to act as a donor of sorts. It took a few attempts but soon AJ fell pregnant. Trouble Shoes told Apple Jack he would be only a letter away should she need anything. Apple Jack thanked her friend for his help, she wouldn't have gotten this far without him after all.

She gave birth to twins whom she called Four Leaf Clover and Apple Patch, Clover looked just like her father which Apple Jack thought was cute, Apple Patch reminded AJ of her father Bright Mac. The Twins were both playful, Apple Patch was a little clumsy but everyone found humour in it. When the twins were entering their elementary school years Granny Smith, unfortunately, passed away. Apple Jack had been close to Granny Smith and her death devastated her. The twins while upset knew it was important to support their mother and they took on some of the smaller tasks around the farm.


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