
I found it hard doing pixel art now. While it is colorful and livelier… yeah it's hard. So have this for now and there will be probably more of this after I finish school. Eyep, I still have school in the middle of summer (and no, I don't mean summer school).
"Two months, is it? It's been two months since you broke off. I'm sure she's in a better place unlike what you put yourself in"

"What now? Well, you're free now aren't you? I guess you should use that and be happy for once. True happiness"

"You should make contact with your old friends again. You pushed them away remember? For her. Now she's gone and won't control your life anymore, you should see them again. Do things like old times"

"You know, you can't keep living like this forever…"

"What if you see her again? Well… we'll think of something but right now I think we should move on"

Tech shook his head and picked up his lantern. Darn voices in his head. Though he considered the idea and kept moving through the dark tunnels. Walking in some unknown direction like he always did.


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