“Well I didn’t want to be. Not anymore. Ever,” he said. “I’m quitting magic school.” Limestone was taken aback. “You want to quit?” She muttered, under her breath, loud enough for him to hear. Time nodded. “No, your not quitting. You’re a pie. Pie’s don’t quit.” She said, proudly. “Well, maybe I’m not a pie. I’m nothing.” He said. It looked like Time was about to cry. Limestone knew her son. He wouldn’t quit at anything unless something was in his mind. “What happened?” she asked. Timewarp looked at his cloven hooves. He hesitated, but then spoke. “The other unicorns at the school are mean to me because I can’t use my horn. They say my cutie mark doesn’t fit me because I can’t use magic to do anything. I’m broken.” He said. A tear fell from cheek. “So, I’m quitting. If I can’t do anything there, why bother anyway?”
Limestone was heartbroken. Even if she was a tough, outspoken mare, she loved her family, especially her son. She hated to see him like this. It made her want to cry, too. “I’m sorry, Timewarp. I had no idea.” She said. “But, you aren’t nothing. You’re my son. You’re Minutte’s son. You’re an amazing pony, who cares about his family. You’re more than something. You’re Timewarp Pie.” She said. Timewarp smiled quickly, then leaned into her shoulder, letting the tears out. Limestone didn’t smile, though, but on the inside, she was happy he understood how she felt about him.
Gee, I haven’t drawn Timewarp in a while! It was fun to draw him again, since I personally love his design. Like I said in his bio, Timewarp was bullied throughout school, due to him not being able to channel his magic properly, as most unicorns his age could. Time may be a unicorn look wise, but he has the inner strength and adaptations of a earth pony, since his mom is one. He doesn’t have enough unicorn magic in him to get his magic to work well, but he had a lot of earth pony magic. Now that I think about it, I really have to make a headcannon about the different magics of Equestria.
This was just a piece that I had in mind so I could tell you about him a little more!