You might remember Apple Plus, my Big Mac x Cheerilee daughter. I had looked at my old stuff and remembered she existed. I wanted to try my hand at redesigning her. I cropped her hair, adjusted her cutiemark, and changed her eyes to be yellow instead of green.
She had always been imagined as a hard working student. The whole “A Plus” nickname is from grade. Her and many other characters of mine reflected my relationship with school. The latest is Azuria Noceda-Park. Early on, I had uncritically made Apple Plus for the pun, and because it seemed like a natural mix of her parents, but knowing what I know now about school and work ethic, I’ve given her an actual journey, instead of a flat “hard working and sweet” personality. Here’s a little story about what she’s like. It’s all off the cuff.
Her mother inspired her to keep her aspirations in the classroom and her father led by example that hard work is something worth doing. She had always had chores to do when she got home and she used that time to do those chores, but also had automated those tasks from having done them so often that soon enough, she had her mind free to think during those hours of repetitive action. She used them think about her school work. As she grew older, she realized that taking time to relax made her happier and working herself to the bone, something she used to pride herself in, is actually something she had to unlearn to be happy. She explored many intellectual pursuits at school and entertained many ideas when she did her chores, but she’s never settled on one thing. She’s reliable and hangs around the family farm, but she does odd jobs and takes up a new apprenticeship when the old skills start to bore her. Now that she’s older, she imparts some of her knowledge on the farm hands and foals who visit Sweet Apple Acres. And that’s all for now. Published: June 27 2021