
Name: Stormious Sea Bay

Nicknames: Stormy

Age: 10

Species: pegasus

Gender: cis female

Sexuality: grey-straight asexual

Parents: Rainbow Dash (birth parent), Soarin (father)

Siblings: Tropical Flash (older brother), Gallion (older half-brother)

Love interest: none

Children: none

Birthplace: Cloudsdale

Current residence: Cloudsdale

Occupation: student

Birthday: 8th of April
Zodiac sign: Aries


Headcanon backstory:

Born as the second child of Soarin and Rainbow Dash, Stormy was too, an accident. When their ''mother'' found out they were pregnant again they planned on aborting her, but their husband forced them to keep it. And thus Stormy was born. Just a month after her birth her parents divorced and she, along with her older brother Tropical Flash, were handed over to their father.
Due to the emotional turmoil Soarin was suffering Stormy was largely neglected as a baby, mainly being taken care of by her brother, who wasn't the best caretaker considering he was only 5 when she was born, but he tried his best, okay?!
Stormy got her cutie mark at 3 years old when she was outside playing with her brother. He was tossing up and down while laying on a cloud until he accidentally kicked her. This sent Stormy into a crying fit and she started flying around aimlessly hitting into miscellaneous clouds and making them rain and thunder. Eventually she settled on a cloud and kept crying there. Her brother got her and calmed her down. When they got back home he noticed Stormy had a picture on her flank.
When she started going to school her classmates were amazed by the fact that she had a cutie mark, but this fascination soon turned to jealousy and Stormy started getting bullied. Her brother was there to protect her sometimes, but he had his own classes and he couldn't always be there for her. Eventually, Soarin found out his daughter was getting bullied and he moved her to a different school in Ponyille. Luckily Cloudsdale and Ponyville weren't too far off so she has no problem traveling from home to school.
Random Facts:

-Stormy is wise beyond her years. She was forced to grow up very early on in life, which caused her to be mature. She like Spitfire in a child's body, but with anger issues.

-She has temper problems that she is learning to control. Luckily she isn't getting bullied in her new school, but whenever she sees a foal getting teased she will immediately jusp to their defense.

-Stormy feels like she is responsible for keeping her family together. She acts like the mother of the household and tries to put her father and brother in their place whenever necessary.

-She is severely emotionally unstable, but hides it.

-She was told her mother died during her birth and soon after the divorce Soarin destroyed any evidence of Rainbow Dash ever being in his life and threatened Trop to kill him if he were to tell his younger sister about them.

-She takes up the leader position whenever she sees the chance. She has control issues and is really scared of being out of control.


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