
Name: Starjax Sparkle (Starjax)

Age: 16

Gender: Cis Male

Sexuality: Bisexual

Parents: Princess Twilight Sparkle, Prince Sunburst

Siblings: Summer Sunrise

Relatives: Duchess Cadence (aunt) Duke Shining Armor (uncle) Princess Flurry Heart (cousin) Twilight Velvet and Night Light (grandparents) Starlight Shine (aunt) Dragon lord Spike (uncle) Princess Onyx (cousin) Sunset Shimmer (aunt) Flash Sentry (uncle) Lucky Star (cousin) Stellar Flare and Solar Wind (grandparents)

Type: Unicorn


-self conscious (mostly about self image)
-not the best at pony interaction
-the weird one…

Cutie Mark/Special Talent

Starjax’ s cutie mark is a blue moon with a dark blue five pointed star in the middle. It represents his power to raise the moon and stars, like Princess Luna long ago.


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