
Originally posted on: January 27, 2020, 8:31 PM UTC
Reverse AU — reverse Fleetfoot
+ This idea of creating an opposite alternate universe was inspired by the MLP comics issue #17 — 20. And the changes of the cutie mark came from MLP: Friendship Is Magic S8E13 "The Mean 6". +

though the idea came from the comic, the background is different from the original one

+ The characters in this universe basically have the opposite personalities and roles of the original characters+

some characters switch their position with the others, and some don't


"C'mon, Rainbow Dash~ Here's your chance to stay with the winners~."

† In this universe, Fleetfoot is a member of the Shadowbolts.

† Just like the original Fleetfoot, she's a great flyer

† Reverse Fleetfoot is an arrogant pony, she believes that she can do everything and she's better than all the other ponies

-After "challenging " Soarin, she learnt that she should never doubt Soarin's ability, especially his talent in flying. She also learnt to be more modest

† She's very competitive, she loves the feeling of winning and being better than others

† She's Rainbow Dash's best friend in the Shadowbolts

-She was the one invited Rainbow Dash to join the Shadowbolts

† Fleetfoot hated Spitfire a lot. Now she still doesn't like her but is much better compared to the past.

-Fleetfoot doesn't like Spitfire but also somehow respect her due to some reasons

-Spitfire's scared of Fleetfoot, and she knows that Fleetfoot hates her a lot


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