Born to Silly


Hello! Before reading this, I wanted to credit JackieBloom
for their headcanon (…). I was heavily inspired by their ideas, and if you haven't seen their art, go check them out! They make amazing next gen art and headcanons and their work always inspires me :D (Big Grin)

What is a Draconequus?
The only known draconequus on Ferus (planet Equestria is on) is Discord, be he is not the only member of his species. Draconequus is a mighty species that roams the universe, and dominate planets and twist and turn them as they see fit. Draconequus are the closest thing this universe has to gods, every planet a single draconequus controls is at their mercy. The more powerful a draconequus is, the more planets they have control over. Every draconequus is made up of what ponies call “chaos magic”, which is a powerful force that can do virtually anything the user wants. A planet is never dominated by more than one draconequus, due to the species being highly territorial. If two draconequus cross paths, they will fight until one forfeits or dies. The only time a draconequus will not fight another is when they reproduce. Reproduction is brief and is over almost as soon as it has begun. One of the draconequus lays an egg, and then leaves. The egg floats in the cosmos all by itself, until it hatches 100 years later. Once the egg hatches, the young draconequus spends its first few hundred years of life flying aimlessly through space. They do not attempt to claim and manipulate planets until their chaos magic is strong enough. The lifespan of a draconequus is unknown, the oldest member of the species is rumored to be as old as the universe itself.

History of Ferus and Discord
Discord is a fairly young draconequus, being only 20,000~ years old. When he became strong enough to take over planets for himself, he stumbled upon an unclaimed planet named Ferus. Ferus is what is called an “alternate Earth”, meaning that in its beginning, the lifeforms on this planet were very similar to the ones on earth. Discord claimed this world as his own, and did as he pleased. He changed the landmasses, changed plants, mashed creatures together, and even made Ferus the center of its solar system instead of the sun. One of the favorite targets of Discord were the ponies. He took the wings from birds and placed them on some ponys’ backs, creating pegasi, and made horns grow out of some ponys’ heads and gave them long, rat-like tails, creating unicorns. He changed some into a rainbow of pretty colors, changed their proportions, changed whatever he wanted about them for the fun of it. Discord did the same with other creatures too, like mashing felines and birds together to create griffons, mashing ponies and birds together to make hypogriffs, mashing insects and bears together to make bug bears, and many more. Some creatures were mashed together with such a variety of things, their original animal make-up is unrecognizable (dragons, changlings, etc.). Once Discord had his fun, he decided to go explore the rest of the universe, and claim other planets for himself. While he was gone, the ponies and other creatures on Ferus adapted and changed to their new magical world. Unicorns learned to channel the magic in their bodies through their horns, pegasi learned to channel their magic through their wings and began to fly, and earth ponies learned to channel their magic through their hooves to manipulate the earth. When Discord arrived for “the first time” when Celestia and Luna had began their rule, it was just him returning to Ferus to finish what he started. To his surprise, the sisters’ magic was strong enough to even overpower him, and they encased him in stone for hundreds of years.

Art © Me
Discord © Hasbro


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