Years down the line, when Sweet Apple Acres was facing dire straits, she went to a certain stallion for a job. In exchange for her skills, he'd stop harassing her family. While he initially wanted to use Sweet as an 'escort', he saw that she was much better suited for management. She had an eye for detail, was friendly enough to keep things cordial even when things were strained and could rake in a lot more money than her male counterparts.
As a mare, she knew what was needed for mares to work hard and make money.
Sweet Deal is very VERY good at her job, making her club the most profitable in the area. While she samples a few less than legal substances, she has the will power to keep it to a minimum. At most, she just looks the part as a pimp and treats her 'products' well and makes them feel like superstars as opposed to whores.
On the bottom is a reindeer OC I doodled. He has no name as of yet.