1. As a young kiddo, Lacuna was the very first known child to be born to Celestia and another royal (in this case, Aspen). While it’s debated whether or not she has more children, Lacuna is undoubtedly the first in line to inherit the Sun Empress’ throne, which made her birth quite a large celebration. (Her older half brother, Bramble, already is in line to inherit the throne of the Enchanted Forest.) However, due to her being a particularly beautiful hybrid, some ponies see her as an object that isn’t really something to be respected, just something to look at and admire. Despite it being masked as high praise, young Lacuna definitely felt objectified and wasn’t a fan of public gatherings as a result. It didn’t help her horns and pretty wings and glittering fur were always described like gold or pearls or rubies, which further made her seem like an idol rather than a young fawn.
2. As briefly mentioned before, the instances surrounding Lacuna’s birth were wrought with feelings of terror and overall negative energy. The source of this is unknown and despite lots of research, nothing in the environment seemed to cause this. Either way, Celestia was a bit wary of her newborn at first, but grew to love her leggy baby quickly. It was a bit of a hurtle that Lacuna was born blind, but the castle adjusted well and soon enough she was able to get around nearly perfectly. Celestia’s favourite time of the day, though, was when they would settle down just after sunset and she would tell her filly stories of the Old World. Lacuna would always find everything so interesting, but couldn’t fight off sleep long enough, pretty much ever.
3. When Lacuna was born, she turned out looking a lot like a Peryton; this lead to Celestia seeking the advice of the only Peryton she knew; Mrs. Shy, Fluttershy’s mother. This quest for advice— health, behaviour, and diet advice— would soon turn into Mrs. Shy being a lovely babysitter and almost another grandmother figure to Lacuna, aside from Granny Smith. In fact, she went by Grandma Shy for the duration of her care of the young princess. This arrangement remained into Lacuna’s mid teens (she’s about 14 in the picture). They aren’t as close today, but still send letters on occasion.
I’m sort of invested in how Mr. and Mrs. Shy met so I kinda wanna delve into it more LOL but for now enjoy!