Born to Silly


Contest entry for the talented and great Ak4neh ;;v;; excited happy
So sorry that my entry is also at last minute, I didn't know who to draw and I didn't have the motivation to do so but I finally chose to do your OC Thunder Spark. I just love his colours and lightning design, it was just so fun to do with his details. <33
I tried for a difference to make it so that he was being shined with light on his back and face with him looking back. ;;
The pose was great experimenting and I just love how this came out. ;v;;
I just hope you enjoy it, sweetie and good luck on your contest! <333
Please, if you haven't; why not look at the contest I entered? It was extremely fun to do. ;;
December contest !

Traduction française ici !
Time to start the festivities for real ! As you may know, I decided to hold a contest for December. Nothing too big, but it's my first one and it seems fun ~ I hope you guys will have fun too !
How to enter ?
• Draw one (or more !) of the OCs on the list below !
• Upload it on DeviantArt and tag me so I can see it ! (Don't forget to credit the owners of all the OCs too so they can see it !)
• Share this journal !
• No NSFW nor gore ! Keep it safe, please ♥
• Don't copy, trace, or use a base ! Entries must be original work. No collabs either !
• You can draw as many OCs as you want on one piece, you can even add yours ♥ Just keep the one on this list as the main focus !
• If you have a question about a character (or the contest in general) feel free to ask me !
• Don"
Character belongs to :iconak4neh:
Artwork belongs to :iconinspiredpixels:
Image details
Image size
310x279px 65.37 KB
Published: Dec 30, 2017


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