
I hope you enjoy the story because I worked really hard on coming up with it Sweating a little…

Estrella enters the throne room of Canterlot castle where she sees twilight sitting on her throne waiting for Estrella.

Estrella: bows You called me mother?

Twilight: Yes My dear. I want to discuss something really important with you. Your sisters and your future depends upon this.

Estrella: What is it mother? Is something wrong with Starshine? Is she in danger? Is everything ok?

Twilight: Everything's ok Estrella. There's nothing wrong. I wanted to discuss something really important but you have to be calm and patient ok?

Estrella: Of course mother!

Twilight: You see Estrella, I've noticed a change in your behavior especially with Galaxy. She says you don't like to play with her, talk with her or even look at her. She's your sister and she's worried about you. So is Starshine.

Estrella: Mother you know I don't like talking about this.

Twilight: I know but you have to accept the reality. I know it was hard for you to believe when I gave your place to Galaxy as the future ruler alongside Starshine but it's fate. Your destiny can't be changed. You're gonna be a personal royal guard of your sisters so you can protect them while they rule. You have to accept the fact that Galaxy is an alicorn princess like Starshine and she's the one who'll have to rule when I step down.

Estrella: But mother!

Twilight: Estrella Glare Sparkle! I don't want to argue with you! I know you never disagree with me and respect my decisions. I have to go for an important meeting with Rarity in Manehattan. I suggest you start practicing your duties with your father just like Starchaser.
Good Bye.

Estrella: Mother! Wait!

Twilight leaves the throne room and leaves Estrella behind.

Estrella: I don't.. I don't want to be a royal guard! I'M WORTHY OF BEING A PRINCESS AND EVERYONE SHOULD KNOW IT! You'll see Galaxy Sparkle Sentry and Twilight Sparkle! I WILL HAVE MY REVENGE ON BOTH OF YOU! But for now… I'm just a helpless unicorn…

Estrella starts crying and looks at the glass stained window. Her eyes suddenly open wide.

Estrella: That it! I know what to do! You'll see mother. I'll make Galaxy's life miserable until I get what I deserve! I won't let her harm Starshine or any of my family members with her evil alicorn magic.

To be continued…

Can you guess what the story is about? Well you'll have to wait and see what happens in the upcoming part of Episode 1!


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