Born to Silly


Decided to re-redesign Flash Sentry again bc after a while his design I drew before just stopped clicking with me. I changed his hair to match his scheme, he has wings on his CM now, and his haircut is more military-akin

Some info!

~Flash is the descendant of the Pillar, Flash Magnus, and was given the gift of sharing his ancestor's name (most likely due to Flash looking a lot like him). His original name was "Flash Flood", but soon changed it to "Flash Sentry" when his mark was earned

~He has an earth pony younger brother named "First Base" (since his mother is an earth pony)

~He originally wanted to become a guitarist, but when he earned his mark after protecting a fellow student from a bully, he forced himself to give up his guitar aspirations and pursue guard training, even if he was very saddened by this turn of events.

~He was originally stationed in the Crystal Empire, fresh when he was out of training and the new Empress and Emperor were looking for guards. Soon enough though, he was stationed by Emperor Shining Armor's order to guard his sister, the famed "Princess Twilight Sparkle"

~Admittedly, Flash had a lil crush on the princess. She was gorgeous and kind, and how her OCD and nerdiness broke her professional princess persona was really cute. But after he saw that she was now bound to Sombra (via Sombra's mating mark on her), he washed his hooves of any sort of romantic interest he had for her. Even still, he loves Twilight, Tempest, Twilight's son Penumbra, and Spike very dearly- and sees them as his best friends or second family.

~On his trips to Canterlot, he met with another mare- whom was a LOT like Twilight. Nerdy, loved reading and magic, had OCD up the wazoo. It was like meeting Twi's recolored clone; but with more baggy sweaters, oversized glasses, and messy hair buns. Her name was Moondancer, and to say that Flash's doofy crush for nerdy girls came back like a boomerang was an understatement. He was smitten and nervous- his tough guard facade washing away to show a quirky band geek with a stutter when he talked to her. It was quite funny to watch, Moondancer admits, and besides- lean and tough stallions are right up her alley anyhow. They are currently dating, although it's long-distance. They write to each other very often, and these letters are very lovey-dovey mooshy-gooshy.

~For a time, Flash didn't trust Tempest, considering she used to work for the Storm King- heck, not a lot of people trusted her for a while, even some of the Mane 6 were wary- but Twilight insisted she stay and start a new life as one of her guards, so Flash (begrudgingly) agreed. He of course kept an eye on her, constantly trying to see if Tempest was up to no good again, but she remained diligent on her new life and reformation, and soon enough Flash warmed up to her too, becoming "guard siblings" as they jokingly call it at times.


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