You are quite a inspiration for me, sweet-heart with your unique, cirque cute style and I've always wanted to draw one of your lovely coloured characters; I was mixed between choosing either Chelsi or Akari to draw and I chose Chelsi with her gorgeous pink and brownish colours. <333
Trying my new shading and art-style again with the hair and body, I definable now feel of keeping it; it feels a lot more fresh and exciting with it looking more realistic and flowing. <333
Drawing Chelsi's long hair was a challenge yet luxury since I love, love, love drawing hair,
I really do hope as well that you like this little gift sweetie. ;;v;;
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Character belongs to :iconlittle-pancakes:
Artwork belongs to :iconinspiredpixels:
Image details
Image size
2160x4044px 2.98 MB
Published: Oct 1, 2018