
Originally posted on: June 10, 2016, 7:00 PM UTC
MLP: My first screenshot
I learned so much from my art class. This is my first try of a medium shot and background. This was meant to be done last mouth, but I was really busy from my class,distraction, and family stuff that I need to take of. This inspires by this sweet video here… take my advise go watch it. I have been seeing a lot of people drawing these kinds of things. So I though I will give a shot. Plus I got curious how this scene look in my style. I love how I drew Scorpan and the shading, but sadly it needs more work. Personally I think this would've been a good Discord episode with Scorpan for season 6 though it's just me :shrug: No mean comments.

Discord and Scorpan © Hasbro and DHX
Inspiration © Harmony Studios
Style © Me


Should I paste the original from the animation in this pic, I asking you guys this so I won't get in trouble O-o


Sorry for a very small file


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