i really cant express my love about this damn fic. it really, really, really, REALLY is good. and it works! think about it: nobody probably wouldve expected a children's cartoon to tackle deep topics via the showcase of one particularly lesser-known character (among his other lesser-known friends)'s journey from finding happiness — and love — in his life. the characters and the world around them gets fleshed out, it knows how to keep a tone that is still approachable to the show, it just works! a story like that for that masses would be unheard of. and yes, i am being biased over the non-main characters of the show, but these guys, man, honestly… really…
so, to further express my gratitude i made a gift for the great author, Summer Scirpt, which is this little image that the lad can use for the cover, consider it a little update. i made 2 versions of this, the full one (as displayed here) and the cover edition (as seen here. click link below!) www.deviantart.com/johnerose12…
hope you guys enjoy the pic, and if you enjoy it so much, why not actually give the fic(s) a chance? i know it seems very long, but this is a story that takes its time so that you, the reader, really do get engaged with the characters and the conflicts. this isnt some one-off fast-food-like fic that gets its job done with a few thousand words; this is a full 3-meal course for breakfast, lunch, and dinner with dessert. click the link below and give it a chance (note: you start with A Day for Family, as it was initially a stand-alone chapter before blowing up into the masterpiece that it is)! www.fimfiction.net/story/46049…