Tilly, Flower, Lord Murder Death
Family: Coco Pommel [mom], Fancy Pants [dad], Ivory Candlelight [younger sister]
Voice: Sounds like James from Team Rocket [Pokemon]
Stats [1-10]:
Dexterity: 9
Strength: 4
Speed: 8
Intelligence: 9
Magic: 10
Wisdom: 6
Charisma: 3
While the El-Rom AU doesn't really have a villain, there are a few villainous characters. Case in point is the life and actions of Tantabus Flower; once known as simply Moonlight.
In Tilly's mind, the world order was built to be destroyed when it didn't serve him well.
He's an entitled little stallion who in spite of his pretty appearance, isn't afraid to back up his words with the furious throwing of hooves.
He was born and raised in Canterlot and in his younger years felt like a disappointment for being born an Earth Pony. This beginning caused him to resent Unicorns even his own father. As a kid, he was interested in botany and with the help of chaos magic, he began create more sentient and malicious plants to torment the ponies of Canterlot. The more he learned about this form of dark magic the more dangerous his plant creations became.
He was eventually arrested and brought before the Queens of Equestria, where upon they decided his fate. Their was intent to do more than maim his victims with the use of sentient plants so he was sentenced to Juvenile Detention and he was forced to complete community service on top of mandatory therapy [which did actually help him but he has a tendency to take two steps forward and then one step back].
The Queens and the staff members of the Detention centre could not contain this kid. Celestia was growing impatient with his lack of progress and almost considered locking him in stone and being done with him. But of course, she needed the approval of Twilight, Luna and Cadence. He just seemed so remorseless and volatile. Eventually, he managed to escape by accessing a portal to the Chaos realm.
He was gone for almost a month, floating aimlessly through the confusion and ever changing dimension. He only barely survived eating chocolate milk filled cotton candy clouds and hiding from massive pony eating Dragonflies and more. He was found by Discord and Okimba eventually and something about the sad angry little stallion brought Discord some joy or maybe just Schadenfreude. Tilly actually felt indebted to Discord and after being lost for so long he was all too happy to see the Chaos God in the flesh.
It was decided that after Tantabus Flower finished his community service, he would now live and be trained by Discord seeing as Tilly's parents chose to fully withdraw from their son. He now lives in Ponyville with Discord's family and regularly has to check in with the Queens of Equestria.
Overall, Tilly is a quiet but judgemental little man.
He has a surprisingly good relationship with his new family and circle of friends but still sometimes uses his magic and plants to solve his problem. He acts superior and haughty around some people but it's rarely personal. He might also have a crush on Okimba but he hides it by being exceptionally snarky and condescending. That being said, everyone knows he likes Okimba because while he might be mean, he always stands up for Okimba and regularly bothers him or follows him around.
While he didn't have the best first 17 years of life, he's recovering and trying to be better.