Somepony Waiting Sometimes the things you take for granted are the things others are incredibly envious of. Skidboot is laughing about it, but she's lonelier than she's letting her buddy Hard Candy realize.
Lolly Pop believes that her 'Aunty Candy' is her aunt, but in reality, Hard Candy is actually her mother who gave her up to be raised by her cousins so that she could pursue her career as a professional hoofball player uninhibited. It's not a decision she regrets, as Lolly is happy and well taken care of, and she gets to stop in and see her plenty. But until this conversation with Skidboot, she never really stopped to consider life AFTER her hoofball career, or what she might want out of it. Makes a gal think.
I'm trying to do these little one page comics about my characters more, so look forward to others like this soon(ish)!
Lolly Pop and Hard Candy were both designed by c-ryptids Skidboot was designed by KishaTheAnilis