Preferred Pronouns: He/Him
Species: Dragon/Pony hybrid
Magic: Able to use limited magic, unable to preform complex spells.
Cutiemark: Undecided (I may not have him have one, but I almost want to give him one to stay true to the original design)
Parents: SpikeXRarity (kept this the same, since I love that pairing so much.)
Siblings: To be determined
-Is studying to be a mane stylist, Zephyr has been tutoring him.
-Shares his mother's love of the fine arts, and enjoys fashion.
-Dislikes the taste of mango and guava.
-Not the most skilled climber or runner Claims that Gauntlet is his "Inspiration, my muse!" Stems from having a crush on the elder dragon/pony. Spike finds this hilarious and teases his son endlessly for it. Rarity has a hard time understanding why he doesn't just tell Gauntlet how he feels.
—- Won't admit it due to fear of rejection. (And fear that if his affection is not shared that it would ruin how close they are as friends)
-Will never admit that he enjoys watching hoofball.
Changes made:
-Added draconic attributes such as plates on front legs, muzzle and throat.
-Scales were added to the main body, (his coat grows to cover his scales, but sometimes they are visible in the light)
-Changed rear legs to hooves (personal choice)
-Spines on back and tail are not partly transparent as if made of gems.
-Mane and tail color altered to be darker and more blue in tone.
-Minor other color changes