
Had no inspiration to draw yesterday until I hear this song — That totally got my creative blood flowing again lol


“Come on, Gal!” Cake Pop called the blue unicorn behind her. “It’s time to dance!!” Galaxy Glimmer stared at the earthpony, who was stepping onto the dance floor. “Cake Pop… I can’t dance..” he said, stepping away. “Oh, don’t be silly, of course you can!” Galaxy felt a strong feeling and started walking towards were, as if she was a unicorn that was pulling him closer. “That’s more like it!” She said, smiling. “Now, it’s simple. Put you right hoof here,” she said, showing him the steps. “Then your left front here! And twirl! Don’t twirl forever, or you’ll get dizzy!” She told him. He chuckled, then followed the dance steps slowly. They two danced for the rest of the night, enjoying each other’s company, and falling in deeper love as well~


Hope you like it as much as I do!


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