24th Aug 2021, 6:00 AM in Magical Mystery Cure
I hope it comes across that the players are making an effort to have some fun with the scenario and crack more jokes as the session goes on.
I mean, I've completely given the game away by spelling it out here in the Author's Note, but hey, sometimes writers get anxious about these things.
Rainbow Dash: Sweet, I taught Rarity how to make dresses again!
Fluttershy: Well, you guided her to rediscover the talent inside her…
Rainbow Dash: Same diff!
Twilight Sparkle: Which means that next up is Applejack.
Rarity: That feels like a rather daunting prospect in its own way. Now that sewing is an easy craft, but farming is on a whole other scale. Though I'm sure that Applejack will find her rhythm once she's back at Sweet Apple Acres. Once she's away from the compulsion for fashion.
Applejack: Ah'm still keepin' the, uh, prototypes Ah made. Just in case they, y'know, come in handy later on…
Pinkie Pie: Either way, you should probably get over here quick! It's probably very bad! Like "all the trees are barren and the orchard is a wasteland" bad!
DM: Yes, somehow. In one day. Because chaos.
Rarity: Well, if Rainbow Dash of all ponies can help me rediscover my passion… then frankly, there's nothing we can't do!
Rainbow Dash: …You're welcome??