28th Aug 2021, 6:00 AM in Magical Mystery Cure
Been a city boy most of my life, though recently I've been living in areas where people have actual land to do farming projects (because there's little else to do in town), and I've gotten my hands dirty helping out a few times. As an activity, it definitely depends on the people you share it with, and as a lifestyle, it's certainly not for me.
DM: Applejack's right about one thing, though. This is a much bigger job than just one pony can handle.
Pinkie Pie: My first mistake was probably thinking I could do this all on my own! But it wasn't my fault! My Cutie Mark told me to do it!
DM: Luckily, with everyone else in the party here, many hooves can make for light work. Give me a skill with which you can justify helping Applejack and Pinkie Pie, and we'll count that as assistance towards Applejack's skill challenge to reclaim the farm and her talent.
Fluttershy: Maybe Nature? I'm sure there are animals on the farm that can help.
Twilight Sparkle: Arcana to try and control the chaotic time dilation effect!
Rarity: Let's say Insight! To help identify any emotional or psychological issues that may be holding them back.
DM: Sure, sure. Moral support, uh-huh.
Rainbow Dash: I'm just gonna go with Athletics! For when you gotta do hard work fast!
Applejack: Well, shoot, not much left for me but to get it done, huh? Perception will be mah primary skill fer this, Ah think. To see where the big problems are and fix 'em right quick.
DM: Works for me.
Pinkie Pie: Thanks, everypony. I forgot how much I really really really REALLY REALLY REALLY dislike farming. No offense.
Applejack: Heh heh, none taken.