Then, the sky exploded. The storm had dispersed. The darkness had died and light remained.
With Mothra shrieking in the heart of her astonishing, brilliant god rays.
The explosion was so powerful that every building and every rooftop trembled by the shock wave, but nothing was destroyed. All rain had ceased and not a single drop of cold wetness struck the ponies caught under her light. It was so bright that practically everypony had to avert their eyes or shield themselves. Everyone, from the Council of Friendship, the Alicorn sisters, the Crystal Empire royalty, the Dragon Lord, the Changeling King, the soldiers of T.I.T.A.N., and the entirety of Ponyville.
From the greatest to the smallest, strongest to the weakest, all were momentarily blinded and deafened by her screaming calls, by her brilliant lights that rivaled the sun. It never lasted, and soon they were all sharing under the gleaming lights she brought forth upon them all. With the slow but steady and strong flap of her wings, particles of light showered over the town instead, filling it with a warmth instead of a cold. A warmth that every life basked in, breathed in, and found peace within. There was no fear present in anypony any longer. All tears of worry and dread had been forgotten long ago.
“Oh… my… gosh,” Lyra breathed. She leaned closer onto Bon Bon’s shoulder, the lights of Mothra’s flapping wings reflecting from her widened eyes. “Is that… one of the monsters you…?”
“Yeah,” Bon Bon whispered, daring not to speak over the Titan’s wails. As if she ever could. “… She’s one of them…”
Mothra cried. Bon Bon smiled even wider.
“One of the good ones… The Queen of the Monsters…”