“Um, well. This is awkward.” Tailwind stammered.
“Yup.” I replied.
Standing in the doorway, Vermelho Lâmina’s jaw was hanging slightly open for a number of seconds as the new situation sank in. However, his transition from bewildered to enraged happened in the blink of an eye.
“Pelas deusas, Qual é o significado disso!” He bellowed, seemingly forgetting my inability to understand his tongue.
That, or not caring.
I stammered out, “Vermelho, I sent her!” Before damning the pain in my side as I sprang in front of him, placing my body between the Lobo leader and Tailwind.
Vermelho turned his head slightly, looking down at me, then back to Tail. He still looked very displeased, but his voice carried no emotion in it. “What did you steal winged one, what did you see?” He asked flatly. Though there was no venom in his voice, it carried with it the implicit promise of retribution.
Now very worried at the current course of events, Tailwind quickly responded while waving her hooves in front of her defensively, “Nothing, honest! I didn’t take any of your supplies!” Her voice dropped with her hooves as she took on an almost remorseful tone. “I read your tribes history… with what happened to you.”