> Thoughts of the Nightmare > What is this feeling? Entropy stared blankly into the distance as he felt a tightness in his chest. It felt weird…. not something he is used to. Lightening crackled in the background, lighting up the dark cold sky. Could this be guilt? _His eyes furrowed. _Why am I feeling guilt? Am I really taking this too far? He shook his head at the thought. No! It’s just the part of that weak Draconequus lingering in there, he may not completely go away but that won’t stop me from achieving what I need to do! His composure softened as he watched the clouds light up in a bright-evil green. > > “I have to make them pay for the pain I endured for over a millennium…. I have make them suffer the way they made me suffer…. and I cannot stop until I do.” > > I can’t fail…. > > * > > Sooooooo this is what I have been working on and I cannot tell you guys how proud I am of this piece:happybounce:. I thought the little dialogue there would complement it too 😁. This is my second digital painting I ever made and I didn’t think I can get so much detail in this but with help the of tutorials on YouTube and [MysteriousShine](https://www.deviantart.com/mysteriousshine’s) help with redesigning Entropy for me, I was able to this CURSE YOU!. > > I used to look at other artists and think Wow! My art looks like SHIT compared to them! (Sorry for cursing😅). But now I don’t do that anymore because I know now that EVERYONE’S ART IS AWESOME IN THEIR OWN WAY and you can improve yourself if you put in the work to accomplish it. I’m still trying to improve in some areas but I definitely see the changes I accomplished ever since I first started about a year ago and can’t wait to see how good I get at this in the future 😁. Anyway, I hope guys love this as much as I doLove. > > [Here is his full body design](https://www.deviantart.com/mysteriousshine/art/Entropy-redesign-802853821) >