> 9th Sep 2021, 6:00 AM in [Magical Mystery Cure](http://friendshipisdragons.thecomicseries.com/archive/57105)
> In which the loonie character (and the author, by extension) reveals one of their personal shortcomings.
> Pinkie Pie: Alright, we're gonna go all-out! I'm talkin' marching bands through the streets! Front-flips! Towers of ponies! Choruses from every window and rooftop!
> DM: Honestly, it makes a certain kind of sense. This particular Ponyville dimension is predisposed to break out into sunny showtunes. And what kind of song are they singing?
> Pinkie Pie: I dunno. I never really figured out music theory.
> DM: …What?
> Pinkie Pie: I mean, Pinkie Pie probably knows how to compose a ditty on the spot, but me personally? Why else would I mostly do song parodies and poetry?