Born to Silly



In the episode 'To Change a Changeling', Thorax talked about 'renegade' changelings that didn't want to change, but with the help of Ember he managed to convince them.
However, what if there was some who weren't. Or rather they left before their mind can be changed, and they simple forgotten about. Crysalis's hive was big, not even Thorax knew everyone, some could easily sneak away, and be out there live by the old changeling ways.

One way or another I wanted to keep some pre-metamorhped changelings. A group of rogues is my answer to that. The main three shown here, while doesn't really have personalities, but they do have names (tho they might change); the red one is Mandible, the green one is Stinger and the purple one is Vertex. I designed them way back in 2019, it's just took me this long to draw them.

They are more colorful, similary to Pharynx original look, because changelings look based on hiearchy (aka how much magic they got infused with as eggs), like higher ranking soldiers to common resource collecting drones. While they were (probably) not broodmates, they were on the same hierarchy level with Pharynx and Thorax. In fact, the changelings in the back are low ranking drones, so they almost look identical to each other (maybe expect their manes, wings or ears).

The rogue changelings operate in the outskirts of Equestria, praying on creatures living in the middle of nowhere, so to not get found out. Currently, they are also trying to figure out how to keep their kind going, 'cos as sexless drones they are unable to reproduce without a queen. They didn't try to find Crysalis, as they view her as a weak, useless queen, who was unable to keep her hive, so they don't want her back.


Finally made a drawing with my rogue changeling idea. Originally I just wanted to design some pre-metamorphed changeling than this idea came to my mind. While I like the new changelings, I do have a soft spot for the old skeletal looking ones.

Don't know if I should make these three Thorax's and Pharynx's broodmates or not. I don't even know if I want these to be one with each other. I will see.

I had to look at so much insect anatomy, to find good names. It kinda wasn't pleasant, insects up close are pretty creepy X'D.



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