ocean beats as you may know by now, had to have a small surgery to remove his deformed wing muscles, shortly after his birth, but what i may have failed to explain is how that happened in the first place, well what happened is that in the middle of rainbow dash's gestation she had a air accident which led to her falling into the ground with some force, making ocean beats who was positioned with its back against the direction the ground was, have a deformation on what was supposed to be his future wings (p.s i have no clue if that can happen with a real life bird), well the aftermath of that accident was ugly, the doctor said the little guy was lucky he didn't die after that, rainbow end it up feeling so guilty even tho it was an accident, that she give her newborn to be raised by his father in his first 6 years, but finally when he was about to turn seven years old she build up the courage to slowly be part of her son's life, with pinkie's help of course
i imagine that him growing up being told that he was supposed to have wings, made him wonder what it most feel like to have tham, because as far as he knows he never had it to begin with, so he would often be looking at birds flying or other foals flying, but still be asking himself "what is so amazing about that?, it's just a pair of featherly hooves", but to be honest even tho he could say things like that, he couldn't help but still feel a little jealous, and not just because of the whole flying thing but because they didn't have to have monthly check ups in the hospital because of a fragile health, yep another result of that damn accident