Is it offical that her full name is Rarity Belle? I don't know but I have saw it floating around and I really like the idea.
Note: I will eventually post more detailed images. These are just to show their designs
Name: Rarity Belle
Nicknames: Rarity, Bells (Pinkie Only)
Gender: Cis-Female
Parents: Hondo Flanks and Cookie Crumble
Siblings: Sweetie Belle
Partner: Pinkie Pie
Children: Lil' Cheese (Adopted), Elegance, Chimicherry Cheesecake, Majesty Glitter
Backstory: Rarity may be a simple unicorn from a simple town but that didn't mean she didn't have big ideas. Her parents were supportive but had tried to ask her not to aim to high. Rarity understood her parents worried about her being disappointed but she had trust in her ability. Being a friend of Princess Twilight obviously helped and when she opened her stores having all the elements of harmony present defiantly brought in more hoof-traffic but she believed it was her own skill and customer service that brought customers back.
Rarity kept her dreams big but always planned accordingly, she made sure she always had some savings behind her and tested the waters before blowing ahead with a big business venture.
Rarity had always been aware that she was attracted to the fairer sex. She was flattered when the colts at school would ask her out but she would always politely decline. So when she realised she had a crush on Pinkie Pie she made her move. Rarity was mildly surprised when Pinkie needed time to process and it was an anxious wait for Rarity. Pinkie came back to her and admitted she's never considering relationships so Rarity asking had been a shock but not something unwelcome. Rarity and Pinkie were a very loving couple and all of their friends found their courtship to be very sweet. Rarity faced some pointed questions from the Canterlot elite but she put her hoof down and defended her mare friend valiantly.
When they married Rarity of course wanted a big white wedding. Pinkie indulged her fiancé because of course she did, her only request was that she could decide on the cake. The wedding was perfect in Rarity's opinion it was everything she wanted and the cake was one of her favourite cakes! (Pinkie had really out done herself).
When their first foal came she was overjoyed. She pampered the little filly and couldn't wait to show the filly off to her friends.