Thanks to autinbrony, for "Angry Spoon Juggling". You know those two end up in arguments every now and then. Also, Pinkie's fault the spoons were int he fork drawer. Thanks to drcool13, for "Pumped Up". While Fluttershy is talking, she isn't in the drawing. Angel doesn't skip leg day. Thanks to Ericia, for "Pumpkin Spice". I feel Cheerilee is one of those Pumpkin Spice girls. I feel it's how she gets through the school day. Thanks to Antionette, for "1950's Glam". 1940's fashion or just Luna in a nice evening dress? Some fashions just don't go away, and 1950's "glam" is certainly one of those that still looks good. Thanks to Natalia, for "Door". Bonus: Door!
A fun week of not drawing any of the Mane 6. Check out next week's theme and submit something as part of my latest Status Update. IMAGE DETAILS