> 28th Sep 2021, 6:00 AM in [Magical Mystery Cure](http://friendshipisdragons.thecomicseries.com/archive/57105)
> Imagining Celestia approaching with a video-game-esque WARNING siren intro put a smile on my face for a few minutes, which, y'know, is all you can ask for sometimes when you're writing.
> We've got some Spudventures this week! (Albeit a short one; it's been a long and busy summer.)
> The Forgotten Ones, Session 32 — Earthly Delights: [Podcast](https://spudventures.libsyn.com/earthly-delights-the-forgotten-ones-session-32) | [Video](https://youtu.be/jtVgWbBcn0A)
> DM: After a few moments of full awareness, you notice another blurry shape approaching you.
> Pinkie Pie: Super-Cosmic Final Boss incoming! ROLL FOR INITIATIVE!
> DM: …No. In fact, the figure coming closer turns out to be none other than Princess Celestia.
> Rainbow Dash: Oh, yeah, she's definitely the magical horse that knows Resurrection. Cool, that's taken care of!
> Twilight Sparkle: Uh, Celestia? Mind telling me what we're doing here? Was Star Swirl's final spell actually a plane-crossing teleport this whole time?
> Princess Celestia: Haha, no no. This… is a special place. One day I may tell you its secrets. For now, suffice to say that you're here because you did something nopony else has ever done.
> Twilight Sparkle: I did? I just scribbled some poetry beneath the lines Star Swirl wrote. I feel like anypony could've done that.
> Princess Celestia: Ever the self-deprecating perfectionist. I'm afraid you're going to have to take credit this time, my faithful student. Though, amusingly, you're right – you're not the first pony to attempt this. But you're the first to \understand.\