
Originally posted on: January 17, 2018, 2:36 AM UTC
> Doctor Helio EOCA ref
> I made me a doctor pony for the Rp group on Discord
> i love this boiiii already!! X3
> Description:
> He was born in Japan, so he didn't have to go far to the academy,
> He tends to be a little lazy around his house and leaves a bit of a mess but will eventually get a grip and tidy the place up but witha a day or two it'll be back to it's messy self
> He loves his showers and likes to always be clean, especially his mane and tail, he will have on a good day 4 showers a day
> He loves sushi and will always at the opportunity grab some when he can, at least its not that bad for him, he will even sneak some in his doctor suitcase and eat on the job
> He is a little flirtatious towards other teachers/nurses just fir the fun of it, he is Bisexual and isn't afraid to show it
> He can be a little stubborn when it comes to doing things he doesn't want to do but when it comes to his job he is a happy pony
> He loves his job and will care for any sick or injured pony with extreme care and cautionm he has a heart of gold and weill never heart a pony on purpose
> His friend Ryu his giant Caledonian gecko tends to be in his cage in his house, he is rather protective over his Gecko and love this little guy to pieces
> His past was a little on the deep side, his mother was diagnosed with lung disease, whilst she was suffering Helio went to go and learn about becoming a doctor and tried his very best to succeed in that so he could help his mother be well again but she sadly passed away before he could fully become a doctor and his father just fell apart and accused poor Helio in her death
> after years of abuse and torture from his father and when he became a true doctor he decided to move away he couldn't bear the amount of abuse his father was giving him even tho to this day he still can't get over the death of his mother and still wondering if it really was his fault and if his father was true to his words
> (will be more when i develop him some more)
> This is for the EquestrianOCAcademy group made by [Tunxxon](
> [EquestrianOcAcademy](
> Art and OC belong to me


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