1.) Sundown LOVES when things are described to her, though she is incapable of ever learning what things look like, her imagination is great enough to put the dots together. When her mother told her about to stars, and how bright they glowed, she would go out every night and guess how bright they were or how many there were in the sky. Sometimes she’d just ask Starlight.
Sundown is also a very intelligent filly. She’s the top of her class in almost every subject, besides P.E. which she LOATHES, and is able to cast complex spells for fillies and colts with ease. She even studies with Twilight and her kids some nights, it even sometimes escalates into a very hearty sleepover.
2.) Soooo this girl really connected with me when I designed her. I initially was just gonna make her just the daughter of Starlight but ehhhh I wanted to go just a little further.
I’d imagine that Sundown would often have visions of often random things, things that would make sense as she continued on with her day. The only reason she knows that few things look like is because of what she sees in these visions, like maybe a table or other ponies. In some cases she can even warn other ponies of their future, and because at her school she is considered “weird”, she would either be ignored or ridiculed. That would be until it turned out to be true, and as this carried on rumors started to spread about her, causing ponies to avoid her all together.
Lookkkk I know this was short but I just got a lot of more stuff coming in, WHICH I KNOW is hard to believe because I rarely upload, but I swearrrr imma do better. Love youu.