"Since MLP:FIM's finale turned 2 years old yesterday, I thought the only thing to really do was make a drawing to take the piss out of those salty fans who are still ragging on about the finale. Honesty, is it really that hard to move on? No amount of whining and rabid attacking is going to changed what happened. Don't like it, fine. But you seriously need to move on with your life. It's a fucking horse cartoon, its not a life or death situation.
And the same could be applied towards those who are attacking G5 and its fans. While the reception towards G5 has been fairly positive for the most part, there are a few persistent purists determined to just hate it just because its not FIM or something ridiculous. And the way that they just blindly attack those who are clearly enjoying G5 is just sickening. There was a guy on Twitter who was doing that. Like, seriously? Let people enjoy the
I said before that the fandom is improving a little, but its still a very long way to go. You are allowed to like a piece of media as much as you are allowed to dislike it. The key is to not act like an entitled asshole and think that the franchise needs to cater to you and you only. A children's franchise about talking colorful horses no less! Looking at you Mixmaster226/SaveMLP. Wasn't the whole lesson of FIM and G5 was to accept each other despite out differences? Guess the fandom really needs to take that to heart. "