Nopony has a love of learning unmatched in all of Equestria than Twilight Sparkle. She is also a natural leader, a patient friend, an obsessive organizer, and an avid reader. Thanks to Twilight, there’s no problem the Mane Six can’t overcome with the magic of friendship. After she created magic of her own friendship, she became an Alicorn. As the Princess of Friendship, it’s Twilight’s duty to make sure everypony feels like they belong by building and nurturing friendships all over Equestria.
Mean Twilight Sparkle might have been just as intelligent and as magically powerful as her goody-four-horseshoes counterpony, but instead of embracing the magic of friendship like the real Twilight has, this scheming copy preferred power and control over all, treating her so-called “friends” as minions. She even plotted to betray Chrysalis the moment the Mean Six claimed the Elements. Fortunately, this treacherous tyrant and her “friends” were destroyed by the Tree of Harmony.
Mean Twilight Sparkle has returned with a vengeance. She and the original Twilight may be the most intelligent ponies ever, but the differences are all too real. Despite having the same mane and tail, Mean Twilight's stripes are inverted and the cuts are sealed. Both ponies have the same cutie mark, but Twilight's imposter is totally pink. But the true difference between Twilight Sparkle and her evil twin is that while our purple pony princess chooses friendship, makes sure everycreature feels like they belong by building and nurturing amity, is humble, and uses her knowledge for compassion, Mean Twilight is the very inversion of the Magic of Friendship — the Power of Tyranny. She is all about gaining power and control over others, and treating her "friends" as minions subservient to her will. And instead of blaming herself for the Mean Six's destruction, she blamed them. Of course, she was never humble, but prideful and pernicious. She is truly the worst of the worst.
The Element of Magic champions the 6th and final round! There is no greater magic than the Magic of Friendship! And Twilight Sparkle will always spread it to everypony and everycreature across the world.
The Mane Six win!!! The Mean Six are defeated, and hopefully for good. The Magic of Friendship rules, and so do the true Mane Six.
Well, that's all everybrony! I actually worked on this back in November last year, but I was unsure if I should post them. However, considering that this is October, I guess this time works for this. If only I could do a GIF, but I don't have the program for that. Anyway, I guess we can consider this to be Nightmare Night pics.