
Gonna be doing little snippets of headcanons now instead of one drawing and a long list of facts. This way, I can show more art and focus on each note!

Ditzy Do is an honorary Wonderbolt! Having joined the Wonderbolts as a cadet with Spitfire, Soarin, Blaze, and Misty Fly, they all became great friends and bonded closely, as most trainee groups do. Spitfire helped her train after practice, in attempts to navigate around her eye condition, but Ditzy didn't make the final cut when her lack of depth perception proved too much for this particular career. She was heartbroken that she wouldn't be able to move ahead with her friends, and to make her feel better, the newly full-fledged Wonderbolts commissioned her an "Honorary Wonderbolt" jacket, with her pins from training and a patch that read "Our Ray of Sunshine". Ditzy didn't see this as a pity present, but rather a heartfelt gift from great friends.

Ditzy is also a decorated hero for saving Princess Twilight Sparkle during the Storm King's siege on Canterlot! After the city was restored and everything got back to normal, Twilight and the other princesses awarded Ditzy Do with an Equestrian Hero medal, with a bright star-shaped gem on the front of it. She had it framed, along with a picture of her and Princess Twilight, so she would never forget how helping a friend could make such a difference.


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