> Keyparty
> "Make Brony Analyst Great Again"
> Vote KEY party
> President Keyframe
> Vice President Keychi
> Featuring
> [CosmicChrissy](https://cosmicchrissy.deviantart.com/)
> [Keychi-Fim](https://keychi-fim.deviantart.com/)
> Artist note: I'm going to be upfront and as nice about this as possible. This is just a "goofy pic" and in no way shape or form is it supposed to be taken seriously. I am not making any kind of political statement with this picture. It was just a silly topical thing I wanted to draw
> please take your butthurt else where
> thanks
> Tranz
> Ps.
> Speaking of voting please go to this video and vote for the following peeps
> [www.youtube.com/watch?v=ECvjRr…](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ECvjRrFkK_k)
> copy and paste this in the comments. :
> AnY
> Keychi
> British Ninja
> Spirited
> DO
> IT
> P.S.S
> Sorry Toon and Ty I can't choose between you guys DX