PrinceBlueMoon3 has also written a very long dialogue script story to go along with this
> Ocellus: "You know that we could have gotten the same results by using sticks, right?" > > Smolder: "Yeah well dragon breath means it takes less longer to get fire going." > > Sandbar: "All for it. Whatever gets me a lot warmer… (Saying through the chattering of his teeth)" > > Smolder: "Oh please… It's not that cold Sandbar." > > Sandbar: "You're kidding right? It's like an ice box out here. How are you not feeling this?" > > Smolder: "Meh. Must be my body heat. It will take a much higher cold temperature to get me to start shaking. Maybe you should get closer to the fire I just set up." > > Sandbar: "Maybe not for you. But I feel like I'm in n ice box. Tonight's very cold I'll tell you that." > > Suddenly the crunching of leaves came could be heard, coming from the clearing. Three figures came forth and the light of the warm fire glowed upon them. > > Gallus: "Got the cider! Don't waste it all. I'm saving some of this for later." > > The Griffon came with Fresh Cider bottled in glass. With him came Silverstream and Yona, carrying other items they had brought from town. > > Silverstream: "Sorry for taking so long guys. But you would not BELIEVE the amount of ponies everywhere tonight." > > Gallus: "How are you surprised? We saw it crowded like that last year." > > Silverstream: "I know. It's like it's always getting bigger each year!" > > Smolder: "Yeah yeah. Mind giving me that cider now? That meal I had from that one burger shop had too much salt. I'm dying of thirst over here." > > Sandbar: "Did any creature also get a couple of blankets?" > > Yona: "No need. Yona have something BETTER than blankets. YONA FUR." > > With a quick speed, the large yak wraps her large forelegs around the small stallion and he is engulfed in her overcoat, much to his surprise. > > Sandbar: "Uhh uhh…. thanks Yona….. I uhh… do feel… a lot warmer now." (The earth pony blushing) The others around them gazing. Smolder smiling while her eyes were closed via a facepalm. Ocellus and Gallus holding in their giggling and laughter. And Silverstream dying from what she saw as the cutest thing she had ever seen. > > Smolder: "Well if we had known it would be this cold, we probably should have just kept those costumes on from that party." > > Ocellus: "It was best to leave them behind at our courters at the school. I've heard some pretty nasty stories about costumes that were extremely flammable and most of those stories didn't end." > > Gallus: "Yeah. But we were all bold enough to wear costumes within Smolder's proximity, considering she herself is a fire hazard." > > Smolder: "Ha Ha. I wouldn't go as far as saying I'm a fire hazard, but I should be proceeded with caution, especially by those who can become, crispy fried." > > Gallus: "Not….. Funny." > > Silverstream: "Well…. shall we have some smores? I'm getting the need to stuff my cheeks with chocolate marshmallow cracker mixed sweetness." > > Ocellus: "Oh yes. I'd love some. We've never had camp fires like this back home." > > Sandbar: "Considering the campfires are usually made out of wood, it's no surprise this is her first Real campfire." (whispering in Yona's ear) > > Smolder: "Speaking of camp fires… isn't there a special tradition around campfires we should do tonight?" > > Silverstream: "OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOHHHHHH….. Are we gonna tell scary stories? I Love scary stories. > Though they do kind of freak me out…." > > Yona: "What kind of scary stories?" > > Saandbar: "Anything you can think up…. right Smolder." > > Smolder: "MMM MMM. While it isn't the time for the 'Feast of Fire', considering we're having a camp fire now, and seeing as we should share our traditions with other creatures, according to our head master, I figured we should do one now, and have it be a contest." > > Silverstream: (Gasping with excitement) "Is there going to be prize for who tells Best scary story?!" > > Smolder: "Why wouldn't there be?" > > Gallus: "Well………. what exactly would be the prize?" > > Smolder: "I'm glad you asked." > > The young Dragon flew to a log and knocked on it. Suddenly a hatch from the log opened up, and toppling out of it came many treats and candy, much to the surprise of fellow students and the happy noises of a Hippogriff. > > Sandbar: "Where did you get all that?" > > Smolder: "When you help out for extended periods of time down at Sugarcube Corner, you get to have free samples." > > Silverstream: Oooohhh. This is gonna be great. Alright. Whoever tells the scariest story wins a grand size trunk of candy. HEEHHHEHEEHEE." > > Yona: "Yona more impressed that Smolder made wood trunk hide all that candy."