
Originally posted on: March 30, 2019, 1:24 AM UTC
> You Cant Hurt Me Anymore!
> Okay so this has a lot of meaning to it and has a big part of why i'm moving to another place but yeah…
> I am free now and that its all behind me i can move on with out the chains pulling me back,
> Forward is the way i want to and will go
> Nothing can hold me back, i don't have to hide anymore and be my true self and be the person i want to be
> Hope for the future and it's looking so bright
> All you did was make me the scared, fearful, selfhatred, unconfident, selfconcious person i never wanted to be
> I stayed with you cause i thought i had feelings but as it grew year after year i was loosing all hope and everything i dreamed and wanted in life
> I thought i could never be someone i wanted to be, i thought i was trapped and unloved and uncared for
> The amount of times i cared for you, in hospital after your operation, i was there everyday for weeks helping you to pick yourself and get you back to normal health but all you did was shove that away in my face when i needed it most
> You never cared about me as much as i did back, you kept me for your own pleasure and for your usage not cause you love me but cause you wanted a toy to play around with
> My heart was melting away year after year knowing i couldn't really get away i was too scared and felt alone and didn't want my friends to know how much i hurt so i kept it all to myself like a pathetic and useless person i was
> You even cheated on me! with two other people! AND I FORGAVE YOU! !! WHY!!?? CAUSE I WAS FREAKING SCARED!!
> i was an idiot to have forgiven you , i should have broken it up when i ahd the chance,… but i didn't i was too innocent to realise my wrongs and to be fully aware of everything that was happening, i didn't want to believe it then but i was just too naive to notice it
> Even your friends were manipulating me and you, i couldn't be friends with anyone else due to your jealousy and wanting me to be friends with your friends, i never liked them, they never liked me either but i tried to be civil and nice to them to please you but that wasn't good enough for you apparently, nothing was in your eyes, cause all you were is a a spoilt brat who got pretty much everything you wanted, you used your money on random stuff that was just so unnecessary whilst i was just trying to make a living on what i had from my time working at Subway,
> You even took my pride and joy, i know i agreed to her to stay with you but i did it for her not for you! she would of been too stressed out with all the moves i have had to do so it was not fair on her, i miss her so much! she was my first ever pet and i loved her to bits, but you wanted to keep her too cause you were starting to bond with her!!
> When i actually starting to make friends and go see them and places you go jealous and you instantly denied it, you didn't want me to go, but i actually put my foot down art you cause its what i wanted to do and i did ( you know who you guys are) they are my friends!! not yours i don't care i was never gonna force you to like them cause they aren't your friends!
> You even asked me to get rid of my pony stuff cause it was getting too childish!! i was not letting you do that! i was not gonna let you let me get rid of something that made me so happy i was not gonna let that go, how could you when all i did was respect your liking's and your weird collection of game stuff but i respected it cause it's something you liked but i wasn't allowed to like something of my own, you wanted it out cause your room looked out of place!! i paid to live there too you idiot!!
> I know we mutually broke up but to be honest it was the best decision i ever made!
> it was tough at the start but all my friends who surrounded me with love and cared for me showed me something i never really felt before
> compassion, loyalty, kindness and love that you could never of given to me and never wanted to in the first place, but they all showed me the true person you were and i can see it clear as daylight now that i was far better off without you and now that i dont have you on my back and chained me down like a tiger in a circus getting left behind and forgotten
> I have been showed that i can be who i want to be and that i am worth so much
> I can move forward and look to the future with happiness and hope, i get to be with the people i love and care for most and look forward to much adventures in the upcoming years
> I am me!! No one can change that ever!!
> so sorry for the long description, kinda needed to get that out '
> so yeah a lot happened that a lot of you guys didn't know but its high time to not hide anymore and be truthful to myself
> Art and character belong to me


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