One pegasus, two alicorns and a half pony/half draconequus.
From the left to the right:
Prince Knight Shield. Son of princess Cadence and prince Shining Armor and big brother to princess Flurry heart. He's the heir to the throne and will one day rule over the crystal empire. He hope that one day he will have enough courage to tell the mare of his life, Rainbow Dash's daughter Wind Flash that he love her.
Prince Sparkle. Son of princess Twilight Sparkle and prince Flash Sentry. He's the next ruler of the village ponyville. He recently got a little sister named Star Gaze. He have a close contact to his cousin Knight Shield ans they send letters to each other. His crush is Sweetie Belle's daughter Melody.
Prince Phantom. Son of princess Luna and king Sombra. Together with his cousin princess Blossom they will rule over equestria after their parents. Many ponies believe that Phantom is the black sheep. That he will turn evil like his parents did before. But Phantom wants to prove that he will not take his parents hoogsteps. That he can be good and kind even though his talent is mischief and his parents have a dark background.
Prince Kingston. Son of Fluttershy and lord Discord. Even though his parents is not royal. Discord is after all the lord of chaos and that makes Kingston the prince of chaos. He doesn't have a kingdom to rule after his parents like the other princes but he got the honor to be Prince Sparkle's advisor and second hoof. And his father told him that to him he will rule over the kindom of chaos, aka the chaos castle. Kingston hope that Pinkie Pie's daughter Partycake will be his princess of chaos one day.
I hope you like it :)
Knight Shield, Prince Sparkle, Phantom and Kingston ~ me