
finally making an updated ref for the main character of this goddamn universe akjdfalkdfjdlkss
I'll add more to this later but rn I just wanna have it posted

Meet Charity Caritas, law student and leader of a covert operation to dethrone King Scorpius. She's determined, clever, and good at bending the rules. She grew up in a rather rough part of Canterlot, and an equally rough financial situation, but was surrounded by love and support in her community nonetheless. Most of the ponies— and other creatures— that got pushed into those areas were inclined to care for each other whenever they had the means to do so. As she got older, though, Charity realized how bad things really were for her family, especially when she compared her life to that of her best friend, Magnificent Legacy.

Nifty's parents were the wealthy owners of a huge business responsible for engineering weapons for the royal guard. The Legacies lived in a huge house in uptown Canterlot with maids and gardeners constantly trotting around the property. When they were fillies, Charity loved going over to her house to swim, play games, eat fancy food, and generally enjoy a taste of luxury. Over time, it lost its novelty, and she started feeling like more of an outsider to her friend's family. Nifty's parents were never especially fond of Charity, but Magnificent herself seemed oblivious to their discomfort. She's sweet, but she isn't the most observant, especially when it comes to her parents.

Eventually Charity finds out that Nifty's mother and father are intentionally shielding her from the corruption in Canterlot, and Charity seeks to change that. When Nifty realizes what it's really like in her city, she goes from doubtful to confused to outraged, until she essentially has a breakdown and vows to help fix the world that rich assholes like her parents have made. She and Charity set out to do just that, accompanied by their friend (and rival, in Charity's case), Victory Rider.

Charity has known Victory as long as she's known Magnificent, but they have a very different kind of friendship. They were neighbors, for one, so they saw each other more often than either of them saw Nifty. Ever since they were foals the two of them had competed in every activity imaginable, even eating. It started as a genuine rivalry, but gradually they became more like friends than rivals. Their competitions became less about winning and more about urging each other to succeed. Charity truly believes that she couldn't have gotten into law school if she hadn't been trying match Victory's goal of getting into med school. They get into a lot of friendly squabbles, but at the end of the day they care about each other.


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