A taste of sweet umami
Tongue-tied, gladly in line,
Just waiting for the stuff
If I can reach it,
Disregard the regret
Hide behind the other side
Who knows that it'll never be enough
I can still draw fine so have a smooch >:3
I've been constantly flipflopping on whether I want the scrappers to be best friends or best friends who also kiss but I've finally settled on the latter because I can't resist schmaltz slkdfgljdakfl
I also haven't decided how the gals identify as far as who they're attracted to because honestly I feel like even they don't really know/care. They're both ace and they love each other very much so they definitely both like women. Maybe they like other folks too but eh, they have better things to worry about. Namely overthrowing the government.
Also don't worry about the uhhhhh red goop on the cricket bat. It's fine it's fine :)
edit: forgot jack's scars and tattoo