> Midnight Lightning
> Hello Darlings~
> You seem a bit lost?
> Oh Tranzmute? Lightning Bliss? I'm sorry dears but I'm afraid I haven't seen any pony else. Just little ol me~ giggle
> My name? How rude of me. I'm Midnight Lightning. I'd love to help you find your lost friends. Perhaps before we look for them we could stop and get a "bite" to eat.
> I'm very
> Very
> Hungry~
> EVIL Laughter!
> Her Theme song:
> [www.youtube.com/watch?v=nWx9HV…](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nWx9HVT8hoE)
> *Artist*
> After seeing [Mimkage](https://mimkage.deviantart.com/) fusion between her and [Lightning-Bliss](https://lightning-bliss.deviantart.com/) I decided to post my fusion with bliss
> I've actually had this image done for a bit but I was planning on doing a comic about it (which I might still do) but I figured I might as well introduce you guys to her.
> she doesn't bite
> much
> evilly laughs